Monday, July 7, 2014

Once Upon a Time...

So. We had a baby. 
Story time?

Our cute baby girl was due December 29th, 2013. At the beginning of December she already weighed 7 lbs, so I was sure I'd be going early. 
My last day of work was Dec. 20th (just in case she decided to be a Christmas baby).

Christmas came....
And Christmas went...

Due date came...and went...

New Years Eve came...
(Of course when you're 40 weeks pregnant, you should spend your New Years bowling)
And New Years Eve went...

Our last doctors appointment I was still only measuring a 1. Barely. So they scheduled me to be induced at 41 weeks the following Sunday, January 5th, at 6 pm. 

And surprise. January 5th came without incident.

We got to the hospital and settled in.

They gave me an IV with some Pitocin. After an hour of contractions I decided to get the epidural (which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, thank heavens). The nurse told us that it would probably be at least 12 hours until she arrived. Of course, me being the eternal optimist, knew she would prove them all wrong and show up before the night was over.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

10:30 pm : Dilated to a 1.

1:30 am: Dilated to a 2.
(but a good 2) (this is when they broke my water, hopefully to start moving things along)

4 am: Dilated to a 2.

5 am: Dilated to a 3.

8:30 am: Dilated to a 4.

9:30 am: Dilated to a 7
 (woohoo! There's an end in sight!)

11:30 am...dialated to a 7.
(End in sight? Just kidding)

At this point, they had maxed me out on pitocin. The high range for a normal dose is like 20ml and I was at 34ml. My contractions were steady, but super weak--not strong enough to really do anything.

My mom and sisters came up to hang out, but I was too tired and too sick to enjoy the company.

By noon, even with my maxed out Pitocin, my contractions were weakening so they stopped the dosage to let my poor uterus rest and to flush my system of the drugs so we could start over.
We tried to play cards, in between my throwing up and the nurses rotating me every 30 minutes.
They restarted the Pitocin at 12:30 and 5 hours later....

I was dilated to a 9. 
(a "lazy 9" they said)
(which really means an 8, but they were trying to make me feel better).

Just hanging out, being patient...
One more hour and I would be ready to push.

6 pm: Still a nine. 

7pm: Bazinga! 10! 

At 8pm they finally said I could push. It had been 25 hours, and I was ready. I just wanted to see my baby. 

The nurse said we would start pushing and she'd call the doctor when things had progressed. After an hour I asked how long do I push before they reevalute...she just kept saying 'we just keep pushing'.

Matt did not like her.

So I pushed for another hour. The doctor arrived at 9:45 pm, and I pushed for 15 minutes with him. When that didn't work, he broke out the vacuum (worst decision ever) and we tried that a couple times. 

Finally, the doctor and nurses accepted the fact that baby girl's head was not going to fit out of my over-pushed little pelvis. Within minutes I was prepped and being wheeled down the hall to the operating room for a c-section.

At 10:38 pm, January 6th, I heard the first cries of my baby girl.

Welcome to the world, Hannah Kate Jaynes.


  1. Replies
    1. The story isn't over yet! More pictures to come!

  2. I have three very important things to say. A) This was beautiful; thanks for sharing. B) You were the most adorable pregnant woman I've ever seen; I can't believe I never saw it in person. C) Thank you for using the word "bazinga;" it made the post.

  3. So close to my story... But Thanksgiving came and went with our first baby Randy! I kept going in to the hospital to get cked... Nope yer not even a one!! Finally on December 5th they had to keep me cuz my water broke! I'd been in labor for days!! Finally after being on pitocin for hours his hear rate wasn't great! Really I wonder why!!?? Finally they did a c- section! I never had been able to dilate with any of my 5 kids! Brick wall!! So even though I'd have contractions... No dilation! Sad for you and your tired body and her tired body!! So like what I went through! She's a sweet little angel!! Congrats! Loved hearing your Story!! Wow they really pushed you!! Hugs Auntie =)

  4. One of my favorite stories because it ends with Hannah!! and it made you and Matt amazing Mom and Dad! Of course I wish it was easier on both your little bodies, man she sure is amazing though and so are you! Thanks for sharing!
